Peanut Butter and Jam 4 CAM continues through June 23rd. Each summer we collect peanut butter and jam/jelly for the Cypress Assistance Ministry’s food bank. This will help feed needy children who may not receive a free/reduced meal when school is out for summer.
Next month we will celebrate Christmas in July! Sunday, July 14th will be our annual luncheon and our kick-off for our Christmas Jar project. More information as this event gets closer!
May church attendance:
May 5 = 54 May 12 = 50
May 19 = 59 May 26 = 59
Average attendance for May = 56
Summer Sunday School
9:15-10:10AM in the Ballroom
“A Trip to the Holy Land” – Every Sunday in July, we will have a class taught by Dean and Diana Forbes, two Christians who have toured the Holy Land (just like we will in 2020). They will be teaching us about the geography of the area, the AMAZING places we will see, what it’s like to travel where Jesus walked, and what travelers can expect. Dean and Diana are long-time friends of Pastor Mark.
What’s coming in August? “King David’s Ladies” (more info later…)
Attention all Heritage Kids! Pastor Mark is busy planning events and mission activities for all Heritage Kids. Each month will have at least two events (swimming party, backyard cook-out, croquet tournament with Mrs. Plunkett, movies, etc.). Look for the calendar VERY soon and join us for some fun…and bring a friend!
Last Sunday we collected $239 for Free the Captives in our monthly Gold Bag offering. Thank you so much for making a difference.