Covid 19 UPDATE:
Recently there was a major increase in the number of new Covid 19 cases due to the new Omicron variant. Our county is currently at the Red Level, which means the highest level of risk of infection. Your Session again examined our current situation and decided the following:
- We will continue meeting in person and via Zoom.
- We will STRONGLY ENCOURAGE everyone meeting in person to wear a mask and to observe social distancing protocols. We also understand that some pre-existing health issues make this difficult, if not impossible, for some.
- We will continue supporting everyone’s right to make their own decisions, while also reminding everyone to keep their fellow sisters and brothers in Christ in mind.
- Most important of all, we will continue praying the Lord will protect our church, its members, our community, and our country. May this virus die out soon!
Thank you for your support and understanding!

Highlights from Jan.10th Session meeting:
- Elected Sue Crawford as Session clerk
- Elected Chris Cancila as Treasurer
- Approved Sunday, January 30th as date for the annual meeting of the congregation
- Appointed Carol Beverlin as Chair of 2022 Personnel Committee
- Appointed Katie McMillen as Chair of the 2022 Nominating Committee
- Voted to invest our building funds with Texas Presbyterian Fund to earn more interest for future plans
- Hired Neena Taylor as our new accompanist!

2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Monday, January 17th
MLK Birthday – church office closed
Sunday, January 23rd
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, January 30th
Annual meeting of the congregation – immediately after Worship
“Stump the Choir†Sunday
Sunday, February 6th
Communion Sunday
Monday, February 21st
Presidents’ Day – church office closed
Wednesday, March 2nd
Ash Wednesday
Sunday, April 10th
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 17th
Easter Sunday
Ministers: All members of Heritage PC
Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
Church Office Administrator: Wendy, Ballard
Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
Young Music Ministers:
Dylan Gamble, Keiana Kreitz, Sam Taylor
Worship Set-up Coordinator/Babysitter: Elizabeth Cisneros
Worship Tech Coordinator: Keiana Kreitz
Clerk to the Session: Sue Crawford
Ministry Team for God’s House:
Property: Gary Shapley
Resource & Management and Treasurer: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s People:
Fellowship & Hospitality: Mindy Boyd
Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
Christian Education: Katie McMillen
Worship: Carol Beverlin
Betty Brown Laura Hudson
Sally Luker Liz Silva