Fourth Sunday of Advent Announcements

A black background with the word love written in it.

Special Music Offering TODAY From Our Choir!

A red poinsettia plant in a wooden pot.

Poinsettias still for sale: $8.00 each. After our Christmas Eve service, please retrieve your plant and take it home.  Check with Elder Carol Beverlin or Pastor Mark if you have questions.

TODAY: The Christmas Joy Gift

A nativity scene with the birth of jesus.

The Christmas Joy Offering helps provide financial assistance to current and former church workers and their families and also enables deserving students to attend Presbyterian-related colleges and schools.

A black background with the words clothes offering

December 15th deposit was $1614.00from tithes and offerings. Remember you can also give on-line or by shopping @

A group of people that are standing up in front of a cross.

December 13th Worship attendance: 41 people
(In-person & via Zoom combined)