41st Anniversary of Heritage Presbyterian Church!!
TODAY we celebrate the 41st anniversary of our church’s official founding way back in October of 1980.
Immediately following our worship service, everyone is invited to join us for lunch. We will have a “Taco Bar†set up that includes taco meats and all the fixings. Please plan to stay and enjoy some fellowship with your church family!

Join us next week for our annual Youth Sunday!
41st Anniversary of Heritage PC and Church Reunion
“Taco Bar†luncheon following our worship service
Monday, October 11
Stated Session meeting, 7:00 via Zoom
Sunday, October 17
Youth Sunday
Sunday, October 24
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 31
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, November 7
Camp Hope outreach benefitting veterans (more details later!)
Monday, November 15
Postma “Pie Day†for the staff
Sunday, December 5
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Advent begins!
Saturday, December 11
Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant