23rd Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

A blurry image of the sun shining on a road.

If you have already filled out your 2023 Pledge card, please put it in the plastic box near the entrance to the ballroom.  If not, you will find one on each table. Please prayerfully consider what you can tithe to our church next year.  Complete it turn it in today if possible.  The Session will meet tomorrow night to begin writing the 2023 budget.  We need everyone’s input and best estimate.  

Thank you SO much for your help and support of your church!

A group of people singing in front of the words " church choir ".

Our wonderful choir is working hard (as usual) to prepare their annual musical offering, the Christmas Cantata.  They will be leading worship on Sunday, December 18th. Although that date seems far away, anyone who has worked in music or theater knows it takes MONTHS of practice and preparation to be ready.  So, take a moment to thank our choir for their constant good work and leadership in worship! 

A blue christmas is here hope

Blue Christmas is coming on Sunday, December 18th at  7:00 PM. More information coming soon…

A chalkboard with the words " postma pie day ".

Most people in our church know we support our neighborhood elementary school, Postma School.  

But do you know what “Postma Pie Day†is?

This is a day in which members of our God’s People Ministry Team take several pies to the faculty lounge at Postma Elementary School. We slice them up, add whipped cream (if desired!), and serve a piece of pie to members of the entire faculty and staff during their lunch or planning period.  This is one unique way for us to show the good folks at Postma that we love and support them!

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.

TODAY, November 13th

Stewardship pledge cards due

Monday, November 14th

Session meeting, 7:00 PM at the church office

Draft of church budget to be written

“Pie Day†at Postma Elementary School

Sunday, November 20th

Christ the King Sunday – last Sunday of the church year

Thursday, November 24th

Thanksgiving Day

Sunday, November 27th

First Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 3rd

Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon, French Quarter Restaurant

Sunday, December 4th

Second Sunday of Advent

Annual Advent Breakfast 9:15 AM

“Gold Bag†offering for Free the Captives

Communion Sunday