We have a big PROBLEM!  We need at least two people to volunteer to serve as new Session elders.  Our Nominating Committee has been working since AUGUST, but we still have no one who has volunteered.  Our current Session elders have finished their terms and deserve to take a break.  However, they cannot do so until a new Session has been elected by the congregation, trained by the pastor, examined by the Session, and installed during a worship service.
We need two people to serve.  We need a new worship elder and a new Christian Education elder.  If you are being called to this action, please let Elder Katie McMillen or Pastor Mark know.  Thank you so much!Â
Free the Captives – This wonderful organization is constantly working to combat and to end human sex trafficking throughout Houston and the world.
This is an uncomfortable topic and one that most people would rather not discuss; however, as Christians we are called to fight against wickedness!
The worst thing we can do is to remain silent.  On our monthly Communion Sundays, we have a special “Gold Bag†offering for this organization.  We have also invited their speakers to address us and to discuss how we can join their fight.  Please give what you can to support this very worthy cause.  Put your offering in the gold bags on each table and place them in the offering place.  Thank you so much!
TODAY: January 1, 2023 New Year’s Day
INFORMAL Worship service at 10:30 AM
“Gold Bag Sunday†benefitting Free the Captives
Sunday, January 8: Baptism of the Lord
We renew our baptismal vows
Monday, January 9, 7:00 PM
Stated Session meeting in the church office
Monday, January 16:
Martin Luther King’s Birthday, church office closed
Sunday, January 22:
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, January 29:
Stump the Choir Sunday!
Sometime in January (date TBA):
Annual meeting of the congregation