Immediately following our worship service on World Communion Sunday (October 2nd), we will gather to hear about a new program in our church. The Prayer Partner Program will pair up members of our church to support and to pray with and for one another. THIS PROGRAM IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL; only those interested need to attend. (Pastor Mark has had a prayer partner for a handful of years at HPC, and it has helped them both in difficult times.) Here are some things to know:
- Pastor Mark will pair up all volunteers
- How you pray together is your option: via text, on the phone, via Zoom, in person, etc.
- How often you pray is also your option: daily, weekly, one in a while, whenever urgently needed, etc.
- A separate Zoom meeting will be held on Monday night, October 3rd at 7:00 PM for those who cannot attend in person.
We hope that anyone who wishes to participate will join us next Sunday, October 2nd or next Monday, October 3rd      for an informational meeting.

Peace and Global Witness Special Offering will be collected next week on World Communion Sunday, October 2nd.  Remember that 25% of this offering goes to a recipient of our choice.  Past choices included Bastrop Fire Recovery (2011), two small PCUSA churches damaged by storms and floods, and First PC/Dickinson (2021) to help their rebuilding efforts after their sanctuary was heavily damaged by Hurricane Harvey. See the enclosed insert for more information.

Our Nominating Committee is nearing the end of its annual work, with Elder Katie McMillen serving as this year’s chair.  Each year the outgoing church officers and a few congregation members work together to find church members to serve as Session elders, Deacons, and to serve on next year’s Nominating Committee.  This is important work; all presbyterian churches are run by the local Sessions. Â
Each congregation elects its own church officers. If asked to serve, please prayerfully consider the request. We need a new Worship elder, a new Christian Education elder, and one Deacon.
And keep praying for our Nominating Committee!

Today is Deacons’ Sunday!  Our four Deacons visit the sick and shut-ins, check on their individual Shepherd Group members, and bring food to help families in time of need. They also determine how to spend the money from our Deacons’ Fund, which is used to help people with their rent, utility bills, medical insurance payments, prescriptions, as well as helping folks buy gas and groceries.  During our offertory today, all the “loose plate†or cash not in specified envelopes will go toward the Deacons’ Fund.  If you would like to write a check for this most worthy cause, please specify on the memo line.  Thank you for supporting this vital ministry!

Through September 30th
Nominating Committee continues working
TODAY, September 25th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom
Sunday, October 2nd
World Communion Sunday
Peace & Global Witness Offering
Prayer Partner Program informational meeting
Monday, October 3rd
Zoom Prayer Partner Program informational meeting 7:00PM
Sunday, October 16th
Youth Sunday
Sunday, October 23rd
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 30th
Reformation Sunday
Stump-the-Choir Sunday