Make plans to join us after worship TODAY for our End of Summer Bash! We will share a lunch of salads and desserts.
In conjunction with the Summer Bash, we invite the congregation to make a cash donation to our next Mission effort, which will benefit clients of Cy Fair Helping Hands. CFHH works to help the homeless of Cy-Fair to become self-sufficient. We supported CFHH both this year and last with our Souper Bowl of Caring food drive.
As we enjoy lunch with one another today, we will be collecting money to make sack lunches for some of our homeless neighbors. The sack lunches our committee makes – consisting of a turkey sandwich, chips, fruit, a drink, and dessert – will be distributed through CFHH’s Street Outreach Program. To support this Mission effort, please make your cash donation today.
Please be sure to indicate that your gift is for “sack lunches.“

This church serves several missional opportunities throughout the year:
Postma Elementary School
Undies For Everyone
Cypress Assistance Ministries Food Pantry
Souper Bowl of Caring
Free The Captives
3 PCUSA Denominational Special Offerings

It’s that time of the year again: our Nominating Committee began its work on August 1st, with Elder Katie McMillen serving as this year’s chair. Each year the outgoing church officers and a few congregation members work together to find church members to serve as Session elders, Deacons, and to serve on next year’s Nominating Committee. This is important work; all presbyterian churches are run by the local Sessions.
All congregations elect their own church officers. If you are asked to serve, please prayerfully consider the request. We will need a new Worship elder, a new Christian Education elder, and one Deacon.
And keep praying for our Nominating Committee !

Month of August
Nominating Committee begins working
TODAY, August 28th
End of Summer Bash – Lunch served following Worship
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom
Sunday, September 4th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Monday, September 5th
Labor Day – Church office CLOSED
Monday, September 19th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, September 25th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom
October 2nd
World Communion Sunday